Mood Swings: Available Every 10 Minutes

I’ve recently become fascinated with my hormones. And maybe even a little obsessed, I’ll admit. Read on.

It’s been a big year for me thus far. Taking on two jobs – both entrepreneurial and health-focused, everything I ever wanted in my dream job! Not to mention, I participated in 5 month journey of self transformation in preparation to create and build my own life coaching business. The stress has been building, and as a result, my mental space has taken a beating. My mood swings back and forth on a daily, and sometimes hourly, basis. I’ve been watching my life happen around me, while I am in this self-contained bubble screaming let me out! Feeling angry, sad, lonely, tired and not understanding the source of these feelings, which in itself caused more ager, sadness, loneliness and lethargy.

Why me? Damn you genetics! I want to feel good. Things are going well. I am in my prime! Self-diagnosed myself with depression, I knew it was up to me to figure out how to fix it.

Then, The Woman Code fell in my lap (thank Alexa), written by a woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which I along with millions of other women in this world have. Alisa Vitti, the author, is now a successful health coach to thousands of woman in New York City with the same or similar condition, such as Endometriosis, infertility, fibroids, thyroid issues, depression, etc. She became a health coach through her own research and discovery of her condition, PCOS.

In the book, Alisa gives you the power you’ve been looking for. It is with in you, or should I say within me. That I can balance my hormones and ultimately free myself of PCOS and depression. Through diet and lifestyle changes, I will instantly begin to feel different. That there’s a way for me to know myself in such a way that I will know what to give my body exactly what it needs when it’s asking for it. That I can correct the hormonal imbalance that birth control and anti-depressants have put a bandaid over for the last ten plus years.

The change has been gradual but I am already feeling the difference – balanced, positive, free and freaking powerful! In finishing the book last night, Alisa challenged me to pick one area in my life, where I am able to express myself creatively, as a way to cultivate a fertile mindset. So here I am, writing to you, as a way of enriching myself and my life through the act of creation and giving.

Interested to know more?And what changes to make for you? Check out Alisa Vitti’s (author of The Woman Code) website at and/or private message me! So happy to share.

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